Matrikkelen - Bygningspunkt
Matrikkelen - Bygningspunkt
Tjeneste for bygninger fra Matrikkelen.
Matrikkelen er Norges offisielle register over fast eiendom, herunder bygninger, boliger og adresser.
Links to the main resources
Access the data (Bygning)
Access the data as tiles
Styles to render the data in maps
API information
API description
Definition of the API in OpenAPI 3.0
Documentation of the API
API provider
Data license
Creative Commons BY 4.0 (CC BY 4.0)
Spatial Extent
Expert information
Additional Links
Access the data (Bygning)
Access the data as tiles
List of tile matrix sets implemented by this API
OGC API conformance classes implemented by this server
Styles to render the data in maps